With emerginC Active Hydrating Complex restores moisture to your skin, and malic acid, due to its high content of natural sulfur, reduces sebum production. It is a lightweight facial gel with chamomile, aloe vera, vitamin B and plant collagen. Use the complex under your cream as a regimen or for as long as your skin needs it. The Active Hydrating Complex is also great after a day in the sun to soothe the skin.
EmerginC Sun SPF 30+ Untinted and Tinted is natural sun protection with SPF 30 based on mineral filters. Protects skin from UVA and UVB rays. Provides simultaneous care through the addition of vitamins, antioxidants and botanical extracts. Helps keep skin in good condition during and after sun exposure. The emerginC Sun SPF 30+ Tinted is the ideal replacement for foundation in summer, providing beautiful coverage without the feeling of wearing makeup.
Get your emerginC facial!
Fancy a facial specifically tailored to dry and ageing skin with acne? We have developed fine facials that are right for you, such as the emerginC Hydration Booster, Anti-Aging Apple Stem Cell Treatment and the Purifying Facial.
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