clean cosmeceuticals

Gwen on proper product use for sunburns

Recently, certified skin therapist Gwen van Lammeren told us about the best way to care for your skin after sunburn. She had so many interesting things to say about this that we don't want to keep it from you. We talk to her about the best way to take care of your skin when you're sunburned, or have had too much sun. 

She cites an article that recently appeared in the Volkskrant with Tamar Nijsten, professor of dermatology at Erasmus University. He calls aftersun"a marketing party with blue packaging." Alcohol and menthol that offer a cooling sensation actually dry out the skin and the lotions themselves contain too little fat. High concentrations of active ingredients are essential or they won't work, and you won't find them in a thin lotion. Cool with water and treat with perfume-free, alcohol-free cream, is the advice. Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction, hence the red color and with aftersun you buy off your guilt, not your burned skin.

Gwen hooks up with this."Burnt skin really needs moisture and grease." She always recommends that her clients apply Scientifics Organics Body Butter, a cream with beautiful natural re-lubricating ingredients and no perfumes or alcohol. And with skin restoring ingredients like aloe vera and grape seed stem cells in the process.

It contains kombucha which is anti-inflammatory, important for burnt skin. Gwen notices in herself and her clients fast skin recovery after your sunbath by the silky soft skin. She is the only one in the Netherlands who does scientific organics detox and slimming body treatments. If you want to get your skin in top condition before your sun vacation, or for ultimate recovery when you return home.

Tip: If you also want to get rid of some excess rolls, Gwen can help you with her LPG Endermologie treatments, in which the highly advanced Scientific Organics Body Firming Serum is used. This gel increases the proteins in your body responsible for muscle building during exercise but also for fat breakdown at night.

Try the Scientifics Organics Body Butter and the Scientific Organics Body Firming Serum for yourself now and receive 15% off your order.

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