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Pay-back time after age 30

Do you already know our friends from Holistik? Karlijn Visser and Evelyn van Hasselt write about all things holistic. In a new article Karlijn tells how she came into contact with emerginC and what it means for her skin. Just in time by the way because almost 30 ...:

Read the full article here >>>

Not always careful with your skin? From the age of 30 onwards, you start paying for it. I went to visit paramedic skincare therapist Anabella and heard the hard truth. And I'm about to turn 30...

Pay-back time: After you turn 30, you get the bill for your skin performed

anabella silke and karlin from holistic

Anabella's mission (pictured: left) is to restore skin's confidence in how we treat it:

"Our skin is like a memory card and remembers everything: from squeezing out pimples with a hard hand to peeling the skin for an even skin tone. But we also remember the nourishing masks and loving herbal steam baths that have a positive effect. The direct results of your skin rituals are not immediately visible. Around your 30th year of life, however, you will be presented with the bill. Pay-back time' as I call it. Suddenly familiar products backfire and your skin becomes more demanding. The sins of the skin slowly start to come to light."~ Anabella Ben-Ishai Been, Head Trainer Indigo Cosmetics , Paramedic beautician.

Silke's story

Let's go back to the beginning. Friend Silke (photo: middle) is importer EmerginC in the Netherlands: a cool skincare brand from Brooklyn, New York that combines nature and science in a jar or bottle. Silke flew all over the world as a model. Her skin had a lot to endure with the result: restless and hyper sensitive. During a search for a skincare brand that could really help her, she stumbled upon EmerginC. And that was love at first sight. Meanwhile, Silke was already busy thinking about how she could bring this fantastic find to the Dutch market. So said, so done. For not much later she was next to model, also importer of EmerginC. Now we come to the point how Anabella ended up in the story: as a paramedical skincare therapist she is now about 6.5 years associated with the brand.Extractions are her favorite. Pimples, blackheads and rosacea don't stand a chance with Anabella.

Stop using vitamin A cream

And so - at Silke's invitation - I ended up sitting in Anabella's chair to experience EmerginC for myself. Anabella scolded me: "Stop using vitamin A creams and peels. You don't need that at all. You are beautiful and have a nice skin with some rosacea on your cheeks. You also have clogged pores. In itself not a bad sign. It means that your skin is doing its job, secreting dead skin cells and producing sebum. By using vitamin A creams and exfoliators, your skin is dehydrated". Allright, so in the trash with that tube of vitamin A cream. With a somewhat embarrassed face I also throw away my stack of doctor's prescriptions. That way I am not tempted to secretly get a new tube at the pharmacy.

EmerginC, Karlijn Visser, skincare, beautyRoadmap

I am given a step-by-step plan to take home with me, based on cleansing the skin, preventing impurities and correcting the situation with an active serum focused on a special skin target. Of course, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting with a cream is also important according to Silke. "Finding the skin's natural balance is important and EmerginC can help with that. People resort too often and too much to aggressive methods in order to kill off a problem immediately in mafia-style. Meanwhile, by doing so, they also unconsciously open the door to long-term damage and many more skin problems."

What works for you?

Silke's advice for knowing what works best for your skin: "Visit a salon near you, or email us a photo and a description of your skin, your needs and complaints and what you are using now. We will then make a tailor-made advice because our line is designed to customize. Very important! Sometimes there are even different zones in your face with different needs. Although we find that as a skin becomes more balanced you have less and less of that".

More information about Anabella or a facial with her? You can do so from €65. Especially for Holistik she offers you a 20% discount on your first treatment with her. Check and tell Anabella that you are coming via Holistik. 

Would you also like to have a customized EmerginC step-by-step plan, just like Karlijn? Look for a salon near you >>>

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